Saturday, October 3, 2009

A bit about Sapphires

Let me tell you a bit about my attraction to "Sapphire". Before I got married, I was looking for an engagement and wedding ring set (sounds familiar?) Well, the Argos catalogue was my main source. In comparing the different gemstones, my first choice was the sapphire-studded rings.

I then went a step further to dig up Biblical references to be sure my choice was "scriptural"...logical since people like me know that our world revolves around the Word.

So where was I?

  1. Yes...well, I started my research and came up with the following:
    The first time Moses and other elders went into the presence of God the Bible says "and they saw the God of Israel [that is, a convincing manifestation of His presence], and under His feet it was like pavement of bright sapphire stone, like the very heavens in clearness." (Exodus 24: 9 - 12; Amplified Bible)

  2. In Exodus 28: 15 - 21: God gave Moses instructions of the design of the breastplate the high priest was to wear every time he stood to minister to God...sapphire was the 2nd gemstone on the 2nd row i.e. the 5th gemstone (by the way, 5 is the number of grace). So sapphire and other gemstones brought the people of Israel to God's remembrance each time the high priest ministered to Him.

  3. In Revelation 21:19, the second foundation of the walls for our heavenly city is made of sapphire.

As if that's not enough, just last month I looked into Wikipedia and realized that sapphire has "remarkable hardness, sapphire is used in many applications, including infrared optical components, watch crystals, high-durability windows, and wafers for the deposition of semiconductors." (Source: That definitely rang a bell for me...I like to believe that I have "remarkable hardness" - in a good way of course. :)

I really look forward to going to heaven to see and be around sapphires - who knows, I may be blessed to actually wear sapphire jewellery here on earth.

Now you've heard my story - so what is your favourite gemstone?


  1. I really do not have a favorite gemstone. However I am got interested with Gold when studying the books of Leviticus and Revelations -with reference to Ark of the Covenant some key items in Heaven....

    And there is a song that says make me as pure as Gold. The refining process of of my heart is very similar to that of Gold - intense and hot!

  2. I don't really have a favorite either, but I will say I like diamonds (don't know if its a gemstone), but I know it belongs to the family of stones:)
    Anyway I once read the process of how diamonds were refined, it is first of all mined, crushed, separated, greased and then cut into various shapes. I kinda believe that is the way we are with God, He finds us, breaks us down, separates us from whatever, greases us and mold us into his shape.


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