Monday, November 16, 2020

Stay put...not out

When this common quote: "Go where you're celebrated not tolerated" crossed my mind, the first 2 words in the title "responded". I pressed rewind in my mind and then decided to unwind it...
The impression in my spirit was that we can't, and actually shouldn't, always leave where we're tolerated for three reasons:

If you keep leaving where you are tolerated, the people there may never learn how to tolerate others and we know that tolerance is a virtue. We're in people's lives for a reason, season and or lesson so taking off may be their loss...and yours because you may also not learn/know how to conduct yourself when you're being tolerated.
Ephesians 4:2 - Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love. (NLT)  
Colossians 3:13a - Be tolerant with each other... (CEB)

We are not necessarily celebrated at all the places we are and/or go to...and we need to accept that and make the most of where we are. Essentially, there are places where we're simply accepted - not tolerated or celebrated. We need to accept and appreciate that we were even accepted.

We also need to realize that there are places and times where there is no place or time for celebrating anyone - not even you. So learn to get over yourself and realize that "Neutral" reception is fine too.

The 3rd reason, is you'll remember how it feels to be "tolerated" and feel unwelcome and hopefully not make anyone else feel that way.

Knowing how others feel is also referred to as empathy and an element of  emotional intelligence - which is a key soft skill.

One more thing...if you're always in transit or on the move, looking for a place where you're celebrated, you may never be rooted. If you are not rooted, you cannot be fruitful. If you are not fruitful, you will not be fulfilled - and may never be celebrated.

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Stay put...not out

When this common quote: "Go where you're celebrated not tolerated" crossed my mind, the first 2 words in the title "resp...