Friday, May 24, 2019

Let us pray...

In the past couple of months, I've noticed that God has drawn me to a new level of prayer. The interesting thing that I have not necessarily started praying for longer times at one stretch, rather I have been praying more often within different stretches of time.

Thinking to the root of this, I can attribute this partially to the knowledge I gained from a a book: Prayer as a Way of Life - I read several decades ago. Although I don't remember who the author was, that book was definitely a seed which took root and is now ready to bear fruit. Addtionally, God has used several people to help me grow in this area of prayer. I have been blessed with a few ladies who have directly or indirectly watered and encouraged me. It is definitely a benefit to have others that you can partner with in prayer. My prayer partner and I pray together regularly and touch on the various dimensions of our lives - spiritual, emotional, marital, professional etc. 

Corrie Ten Boom articulated the place prayer should take in our lives when she said:
"Any concern too small to be turned into a prayer 
is too small to be made into a burden."

If you need to talk to someone about how to identify a suitable prayer partner, feel free to contact Beryl or I by email.

Sunday, May 12, 2019


I'm a evidence of someone who's Mum-powered.

My Mum (of blessed memory) always had something to counter every "I can't" I had. Such that decades after I last heard her words, I'm very confident I can because my Mum said I could...

Today, I'm celebrating every Mother and Mother-figure. You are blessings on so many levels. Thank you for who you are and all you do.

Stay put...not out

When this common quote: "Go where you're celebrated not tolerated" crossed my mind, the first 2 words in the title "resp...