Friday, February 25, 2011

Are these for you too?

Just this morning, the Lord sent 2 different messages to me using interesting and unrelated channels...and they were both in sync.

Early this morning, I was telling my Dad that I don't exercise...a least not as much as I should. He didn't take too much time to concur and indirectly tell me that if I want to avoid some diseases and discomforts that come with "old age." I've never heard him advocate for exercise so passionately - in fact, I've never heard him advocate for exercise period.

So to summarize what I heard him say: Exercise now to remain energetic later...

I turned on the TV and stumbled on Joyce Meyer preaching on Obedience and Power...I won't go into the details or even tidbits of all she said so we do not derail. If you have ever heard her speak, you'll agree she would have said a lot of fundamental and valuable things - so let's save that for another posting...maybe, God willing.

In wrapping up, she mentioned that she had discussed the same topic with Dr Henry Cloud, a clinical psychologist and the author of "The Secret Things of God" which sounds like a book worth reading. He also made some cogent points - he even talked about walking on water. Once again, so we don't swim away from the topic...let's move on...

One of the things he said was that a lot of people look out for an easy way of living or even an easy way out of doing what God has asked them to do. He said too many people want to do the easy things first and leave the hard stuff for later...I had to agree with that 'cos I've been known to do that. Well, he didn't stop there because he had a Word for me with his analogy: He that that rather than brush our teeth properly and regularly and floss our teeth - where we know how to, in order to avoid dental surgery, some people just skip over that basic dental hygeine and end up with the dentist. Ouch! - that hurt...once again that is one area where I am not doing as good a job as I should.

In other words, brush (& floss) now, to avoid the decay (cavities) drill!
In the spirit of full disclosure, that's not my first time of hearing that...I need to heed too for my good and for my family's good too.

On my way out, I was pondering why I needed a double -dose in our "Matters of the Heart" month...then I got it! They were to be "swallowed" and digested by me and shared at the same go.

As I write, it also hit me that both all are dependent on Having Healthy Habits - which is a precondition for Living Lively Lives- the ultimate fruit is the big "WWW" - Wholeness, Wellness & Wealth.

God will help us plan the right seeds (HHH),
so we have the desired plants (LLL)
to bear fruit that will abide (WWW). AMEN!


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