Friday, July 20, 2018

What do you see...

...when you look?

A few months ago, as a family trip wrapped up without specifically watching, I noticed the way my son "folded" one of his shirts. "Hmm...that was creative!" I thought. Definitely a new way of folding shirts/blouses that I had never thought of or even seen before - or so I thought.

So I asked him how he learned to fold his shirt that way - of course assuming that our children learn all they know from us. He then said "I noticed that's how shirts are folded by the cashiers in the checkout counter at XYZ* store." Now that really impressed me - mainly because he was "looking and learning" which is something that I continually encourage those around me to do. In fact beyond that, he was looking learning and applying that learning. As we chatted, I said that I had also seen the cashiers do that. I never realized it was a technique I could replicate and even improve upon at home - which was why I asked myself - and now you: "What do you see when you look?

Imagine how much we would improve our lives and world if we saw what we should when we look, learn from what we see and apply the positive parts of what we have seen.

Happy looking and learning!

*Name withheld so I do not inadvertently provide an ad that is not paid for.

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