Saturday, July 7, 2018

Not needed...

...or is there a need?

This post was triggered by this conversation that took less than 5 minutes:

Lady 1: "I like your jacket - it's very pretty."
Lady 2: (shy shrug): "Thank you." Then looking at me a bit more closely said: "I like your necklace and earrings. Very professional."
Lady 1: (smiling graciously) "Thank you" - then thinking...there was no need for that.

Which gave rise to the "need" for this post.

I don't have a problem complimenting others. I actually enjoy bringing a smile (and sometimes,  a blush) to others' faces. I don't know about others but I don't expect more than a smile and/or at least a gracious, not grumpy, "Thank you" when I compliment someone. I wonder if people feel obliged to return a compliment for a compliment they receive.

This experience reminded me of a compliment faceoff game we played at work a few years ago. My colleague and I exchanged the usual compliments starting with things like: 'I like your dress', 'I like your smile' etc. We exhausted compliments and started saying things like: 'I like the fact that you said you like my dress.' Of course, we soon all burst out laughing.

If/when you feel obliged to respond to - more like return a compliment, it's like re-gifting something you received. How would you feel if you receive a gift you gave someone previously?

The way I see it, there's nothing wrong in accepting and maybe enjoying a compliment. It's ok.
Be a gracious receiver...and also a gracious giver of compliments.

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