Sunday, June 21, 2020

Are you courageous?

A few years ago, my family and I had an opportunity to watch the film titled: Courageous 
together. It is a movie that I recommend that every family watch and learn from together not just for men to watch and learn from. 
The role of fathers can not be overestimated. Being a father is a lot more than passing on a sperm to your wife and expecting her as the mother to carry the child to full term and keep "carrying" and caring for the children till they are mature enough to start families of their own.    Far from it, it involves Courage - and a lot of it. Courage has to be the foundation of fatherhood. 
According to Merriam-Webster online dictionary, Courage is the "mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty." Being courageous is not easy but it is possible with God on your side - just as He promises in Deuteronomy 31:6. It takes courage to accept responsibility for contributing to the future i.e. by raising a child. As we know our children are our future. And it is well known that "if you do not train them, you cannot blame them."

The other way I see courage being a critical success factor for fathers is that they need to know how to lovingly direct and discipline their children. Gladly, even if they were there when their children were born, they do not have the "baggage" mothers have of having carried the children within them which unfortunately makes some mothers let their children almost become "garbage" because of how they spoil them.

Being a courageous father also means that with the first-hand experience of being courageous in the face of danger, fear or difficulty, that you can encourage your children to also be courageous.

I celebrate all courageous fathers. Thank you for who you are and all you do. Happy Father's Day!

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