Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Which are you?

An asset or a liability?

This question dropped in my heart when I read this verse in the Complete Jewish Bible.

Proverbs 31:11 - Her husband trusts her from his heart, and she will prove a great asset to him.
Another verse that focuses on the both sides of the "Balance Sheet" is:
Proverbs 12:4 - A worthy wife is her husband’s joy and crown;                                                     the other kind corrodes his strength and tears down everything he does. (TLB)
I know that not all women are married...so we are not focusing on wives here. What I see in these verses is every woman can either be an asset or liability. So by extension, you don't need to be a wife to be an asset. How do I know that? Simple...to be an asset to someone else, you have to first be an asset to yourself.
So what does it mean to be an Asset not a Liability?
As a visual learner, this picture does a good job distinguishing assets from liabilities well for me.  
In other words, assets "add" to you and liabilities "take from" or reduce you.
One quote that has helped me clearly be and remain an asset is  "The value you add comes from the values you hold" - Anonymous

The values we hold show up in different ways. The first indicator of the values you hold is how you treat yourself. Did you just say "Huh?!" Yes, you read me right. People will not treat you any better than you treat yourself. Treat yourself as an Asset: take care of yourself, be intentional about improving yourself each and every day. My advice, take Warren Buffet's advice =>

Another indicator of the values we hold is how we treat others. Assets always treat others as assets. In other words, we treat people with respect. Be a Builder of others - now this could involve correcting them but definitely not corroding them. It has been said that "A rich man in the midst of poor people is a poor man." Likewise, if you invest in yourself and are an Asset in the midst of liabilities, guess what you really are?

You may not be able to do everything for everyone, but you can do something for someone. And when each of us does something for someone, together we have done many things for many people. Be an asset!

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