Saturday, October 10, 2020

A little miracle is a mighty thing!

A few years ago, after cleaning out my purse I realized that I'd "lost" one earring - so had only one earring of a pair I really liked. Oh no! I actually planned to write a piece about that titled "Not again!" because that's exactly how I felt. Now this wasn't an expensive irreplaceable earring or one that I had a sentimental attachment to but that wasn't the point. For me it was about losing something - and I didn't like that.

Fast-forward 2 months or so, I "misplaced" something at work and worked hard not to let it ruin the rest of my work-day - but of course it kept niggling at me.
"Where is it?" "I just saw it!" "What happened?" All these questions and thoughts were to no avail.
So I decided to "move on" - though not completely. As I wrapped up my day, I was sorting out my desk drawer and indirectly looking for what I'd misplaced earlier and what did I see in the corner?

Yes, you guessed right...the missing earring I mentioned in the first paragraph. I was so overjoyed that I almost did a dance at work. In fact, being so overjoyed overshadowed the fact that I had misplaced something else - which I believe I found later.

My take-away from this was that miracles happen everyday in the most unexpected ways & places. We need to learn to take things in our stride and appreciated even little miracles as mighty things.

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