Friday, March 20, 2020

Spring forward

Yesterday was the first day of Spring and I know that it may not quite feel that way in these days of #SelfIsolation and #SocialDistancing.

However, there are many things you can do to spring forward.

What are some of those hobbies you put off until when you have time? Well guess what? You have the #GiftOfTime now - unwrap it and make something beautiful out of it.

What about those people you have been planning to catch up with? You can have video calls, virtual coffees and even virtual family time (not if you're all in the same home of course).

Talking about family time, how are you spending your time with your family? Board games are one way to ward off boredom and bond as a family. (@adaleke #101 Quips and Quotes)

You can and should be deliberate and spring not let the environment replace enjoyment of life.

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