Tuesday, October 1, 2019

10 years!!!

Today marks 10 years since we started this blog.

Beryl (Dr Chinyere Almona) and I (Ada Adeleke-Kelani aka Sapphire) have had interesting times these past 12 years. It's taken a lot of courage to keep walking on water as stated in our first post.

In these 10 years, we have come out of our boats and what started off as a blog has resulted in
- 3 books by Beryl
Divine Orchestration, Divine Intervention and Divine Guarantee

- 3 more blogs authored by Sapphire (Mrs Pastor, Empowered, we excel and Diamond) and 1 book: 101 Quips & Quotes...that will charge and change your life.

Without a doubt, God kept us from sinking despite the storms because we kept our eyes on Him. It takes courage to keep walking on the water - waves and all. We're truly blessed to have each other to lean on - in addition to our wonderful husbands and children - who came into our lives in that order.

As we celebrate our 10th birthday, we'd like to read how you have stepped out of your boat to walk on water. We'd also be happy to "walk" you through the process in case you're "stuck" - if you send us an email.

The world is yet to see what God will do with all of us who in faith keep walking on the water.

Wowly yours
Sapphire & Beryl

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