Dear Jackie,
As your "name sake", I can imagine some of your challenges so I'd like to share some resources that have blessed and benefited me enormously. I mean, if we share the same "name" we might as well share a few other things - especially as there is joy in sharing.
You would have heard (or at least, read) me say/type that: Readers are Leaders and the converse is true...Leaders are Readers (I'm not even sure who authored either or both of those sayings - maybe someone who owned a bookstore).
So we don't go bankrupt, I'd like to share some investment tips that yield high returns. There are a few of the books I hold dear to my heart/recommend when it comes to "finding myself" in the midst of my busyness - it's a 3-2-1 pattern...
I read these 3 books at different times in my life and their contents have stayed with me. I read "More hours in my Day" before I got married; "The Proverbs 31 woman" a few months or so after I got married and "Life Management for Busy Women" earlier this year - I told you about that one didn't I?
Two that I haven't read but will start looking out for I can read them.
I learn a lot from Elizabeth can you
and 1 that gives me every reason to say:
It is a delightful, down-to-earth book - it's an easy and breezy read.
You know, you could even use any or all of them to start a small study or book club with other ladies - you'd be amazed at how much spiritual, social, psychological and physical energy that will generate.
Let's know how you're doing...drop us a line.
Yours truly
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