Tuesday, October 20, 2020

"You have an accent."

Every time someone says that to me, I feel like saying "So do you." Now, that would be the right response but it will sound more like a retort and may come across as rude so I don't respond.

If you look it up in a dictionary - hard copy or online, you'll find that "accent" is essentially "a distinctive mode of pronunciation of a language, especially one associated with a particular nation, locality, or social class."* So in essence, everyone on earth has an accent...

Let me tell you how this topic came up - yes, you're right it was from the Bible. Let's read this "cornerstone" verse together:
Shortly after that, some bystanders approached Peter.                                                                                         “You’ve got to be one of them. Your accent gives you away.”**
When I heard and read this verse I smiled about how "age-old" this "you have an accent" line is. I then took it a step further. I'm sure that Peter would not have been the only person with the accent associated to his nation/locality however, that was what gave him away as having been with Jesus. So for me it was indicative that beyond the accent, in our days it will be our vocabulary and mannerisms. I then wondered if my vocabulary and mannerisms tell others Who I've been with.

What does your "accent" tell others?

* Google
** Matthew 26:73 - MSG

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