Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Beware of wondering...

...then wandering.

This phrase came to me when my husband was telling me about how he didn't entertain any "what-if" fearful thoughts that came to his mind when we were preparing to get married. He recounted how he didn't even take the time to ponder on the thoughts. He ignored them and when they were tired of hanging around, they just fizzled away...

Funny enough, I also wondered if he was the one for me and rather than go down the slippery slope of wandering, I just went to ask God Who knows all things. It was very interesting how He made sure that my wondering did not result in my wandering from His will for me/us. An example that sticks out was when I was visiting a different city for one of my friends' wedding. I had and decided to seize the opportunity of some free time to do my blood work so I could confirm my genotype as it had become necessary to know. When I went back for the results, the lab attendant who had never met me said, "Your genotype doesn't matter if you are thinking of marrying someone with the same one."

Huh?! I thought then asked (in my mind of course) "Who told you that I was wondering about that?"

As you can imagine that was one of the ways God helped me know that "No" would be the wrong answer to my then suitor who is now my One and Only husband.

Today marks 20 years since we got married and our God of Wonders has continued to amaze us.

I am so grateful that God did not let my wondering lead me to wandering from His will.

Thank you Lord for #20YearsAndCounting

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